A street workout from Hannibal for King, the famous self-made tourniquet man

A street workout from Hannibal for King, the famous self-made tourniquet man

It is worth trying this set of exercises, even if you are a beginner.

Who is Hannibal for King

Hannibal Lanham, better known as Hannibal for King, is a true calisthenics guru and one of the most famous tumblers in the world. He became widely known in 2008 after the publication of a video, in which he performed complex elements on the chinning bar: power output, front hang, push-ups in the horizon and others.

He inspired millions of people around the world to pursue calisthenics and still continues to amaze them with his amazing fitness.

Hannibal for King trains 2-3 times every day without a weekend. He likes circuit training and prefers short approaches. For example, he pulls up no more than 10 times per approach so that each repetition is controlled and technically correct.

In his interview for BaristiWorkout, Hannibal said he’s been in impressive physical shape for just a year and a half, but it’s been a time completely dedicated to training. He gave up anything that could get in the way of exercise and worked out every day.

Of course, not everyone will be able to find that much time for tournaments, but that’s not necessary. If your workouts are consistent, you work hard and give it your all every time, progress will not be long in coming.

Who is suitable for this workout

This workout is good for you if:

You want better control of your body, lose weight, get fit and develop flexibility.
You are a beginner, you want a simple and effective program and are not burning with the desire to go through hundreds of options on the Internet.
You can do pull-ups, push-ups, and push-ups on bars at least five times. If not, check out the remedial exercises in this article.
You don’t plan on spending money on sports: buying season tickets, equipment, sports stuff.
This program is as simple as genius. It helps to pump all the muscles of the upper body: biceps, back, chest, triceps, trapezius, bark muscles, as well as the front part of the thigh. A great option to start your journey into the world of calisthenics.

Which exercises to perform

The exercises are divided by difficulty: for beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.


This exercise allows you to work your biceps, back, shoulders and forearms. Hannibal is more often pulled up with a narrow forward and reverse grip. The narrow forward grip works the forearms well, the narrow reverse grip works the biceps.

Do pull-ups without jerks and bounces, the movements must be slow and controlled.

Entry level: 1-3 sets of 5-10 reps.
Intermediate level: 5 sets of 10 reps.
Advanced level: 6-10 sets of 10 repetitions.


Push-ups on bars

A basic exercise on the bars that helps work the triceps, pecs, shoulders, and upper trapezius. Lower yourself until your shoulders are parallel with the floor, you can bend your knees and lean your chest forward.

If you have no problem doing push-ups on bars, try lowering yourself below the parallel of your shoulders with the floor, but be careful. When ligaments and muscles of the shoulders are not ready for such a load, it is easy to get injured.

Entry level: 1-3 sets of 10 reps.
Intermediate level: 5 sets of 15 reps.
Advanced level: 6-10 sets of 20 reps.

Diamond push-ups

Place your hands close together, join your thumbs and index fingers, and bring your shoulders forward so that your hands are at or below chest level. Do push-ups until your arms and chest are in contact.

Beginner level: 1-3 sets of 5-10 reps.
Intermediate level: 5 sets of 20 reps.
Advanced level: 6-10 sets of 25 repetitions.

Reverse push-ups

Stand with your back to a bench or other elevated position and place your hands close together. Do reverse push-ups until your shoulders are parallel with the floor. Do not sit on the floor between repetitions.

You can perform push-ups quickly, in an explosive manner or smoothly and slowly. But in any case the movements must be under control: no jerking, falling or resting at the bottom point.

Entry level: 1-3 sets of 5-10 reps.
Intermediate level: 5 sets of 20 reps.
Advanced level: 6-10 sets of 25 reps.


Push-ups and pull-ups pump up our upper body, but they do not engage the muscles of the hips and buttocks. Therefore, to achieve a well-balanced body, squats should not be skipped in any workout.

Place your feet together and squat with a straight back until your thighs are parallel to the floor. These squats are good for loading the quadriceps, the large muscles on the front side of the thighs.

Beginner level: 1-3 sets of 20 reps.
Intermediate level: 5 sets of 20 reps.
Advanced level: 6-10 sets of 20 repetitions.
You can perform these basic exercises in sets or in a circuit training format. For beginners, approaches and reps are better suited: this way you will not overwork muscles and you will be able to observe the correct technique. If you want to build up your endurance and get more exercise, perform the exercises in circles.

How to put together a circuit workout

A circuit workout consists of the basic exercises described above (except squats):

10 pull-ups;
10 push-ups on bars;
20 diamond push-ups;
20 reverse push-ups.
Rest 30-45 seconds between exercises, 1 minute between laps. Perform as many laps as you can. Hannibal usually does five.

Even though squats are not part of the circuit workout, still do them at the end of the class. Remember balance!

You can do this workout every other day or every day. If you have time left afterwards, do some stretching exercises.


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