Motivation to Train

With the following article I want to give you some strength and motivation!

Through the following points, I want you to engage in a little reflection with yourself. And after reading it, I hope you know how to find that motivation.

Sport as Relief Valve

All focused on training as a mechanism of avoidance of any existing problem, where the your leeway cannot solve it, and that during the short but intense period of time you devote to your favorite sporting activity, it will cause profound relief and become a way to modulate your life.

Sport Valvola di Sfogo

If you are able to establish a powerful sports routine, you will be able to tackle any obstacle that comes your way

Find Your Motivation

So, whether you have a long history, or just starting out in this training world, I hope may these words not go unnoticed and not be forgotten.

The m update some of them are based on my experience and thanks to them I was able to find my motivation , being the guide that marks my trajectory, preventing me from giving up and becoming more positive , more dynamic , stronger !


Nobody said it will be easy, but it will be worth a try!

You are not alone

I start from this point first of all because if you want to start a sports and nutritional planning , at least you know the fundamentals that these processes have.

If you are short on time, you can always ask for the help and advice of an expert or professional with a long career in the sector, who will surely bring you closer to your goal .

Piano Sportivo

If you are curious, look for yourself, without forgetting to counter the vast information that exists and that can cause controversy

Determine Your Goal

It’s nothing more than determining what your goal is or what you intend to achieve with your training.

Are you looking to show off for the summer? Are you preparing a competition? Are you training to face some tests? …

All possibilities are allowed and tolerated , being of subjective connotation, and therefore based on interests of each person.

Determina il tuo obbiettivo

Each person’s goals are totally different but they all deserve the same treatment, the same respect

This does not mean that one target or the other has less relevance within a global vision framework, as if one wants to improve their fitness and another aims to compete in powerlifting , both will have in common the determination that leads them to give their best of oneself

Be Realist

It is relative to the previous point, and also directed to both purposes exemplified, since before starting the preparation we will start or always from a more or less privileged position, in terms of our condition that allows us to perform and subsequently obtain results.

Here, everyone has to evaluate what their level is and if the goal they intend to achieve is achievable within their capabilities.

Sii realista

Nobody starts bench lifting 100 kg, so proceed slowly and precisely !

Has a certain air of disappointment or frustration, but on the contrary, you need to be realistic to tackle each segmented target and, little by little, overcome the barriers that allow us to keep moving forward

Will is Power

To achieve any goal, we must approach them with an eye to achieving the objectives and give the best of ourselves

If you gave 100% no one can blame you for anything , and even if you win either you lose, or if you don’t reach your goal, you can be proud . And it’s something that no one can take away from you.

Volere è potere

The mind prevails over the body, if your thinking is positive, all your actions will be directed towards the same path of progression and finally achieving your success

Be Habit

Is the foundation of all success

Both perseverance and sacrifice. Establish a methodology that is your guide, on which to base all your actions, as they have been perfectly planned in advance, with the aim of obtaining the best performance, maximum efficiency, ultimate success.

Routine per il Successo

If you want to achieve your goal, take some time to plan your routine in advance

Nobody knows better than you how your body works, which is the most appropriate, how to perform the workout … and all this encapsulated under the availability of your schedules , activity distribution, rest time …

If It Doesn’t Work, Change It!

This is for the more experienced and to prevent newcomers from falling into this error

Occurs when after a long time committing same actions, these do not give the hoped-for results, despite having planned the preparation and the entire plan. Many times if you weren’t pretentious enough in this first phase, it could be reflected in not getting what you expected.

Prova e Riprova

Try and try again , it is the most recurring thing in any activity in life, which is why we are intelligent and we know how to correct us

But if you see that it doesn’t work, why don’t you change the chip? Not waste your time, format and start over, and it won’t be a step back from all of the above, as mistakes you learn, it is experience for the future and to be able to help others


Something I never did … it was me with myself, training alone, literally, I didn’t have a bad time but always missing the company of someone, a partner, singular or plural , that I can pass you a cable and that the help is mutual.

Insieme Possiamo

Creating an affinity group is one of the biggest successes that I have achieved in my sporting life, furthermore the progression is accentuated in every way, so to speak, each one will motivate the other to continue giving their best

If you surround yourself with people who have the same habits, follow your philosophy, establish practically the same interests, make yourself lucky

Create a Training-Diary

Something very useful is to collect your workouts in a diary

Keep a diary in which your daily battles are transcribed can make you progress a lot more. It allows you to tell him about your evolution, the weights you carry in the exercises of each session, the points you see that weaken the most will be practically identified after a simple glance, and thus focus the training in one way or another.


It is the basis of my philosophy of life

Along with trying to improve your performance or your body composition, don’t forget that this is an activity, which has a strong involvement in your life, becoming, in most cases, one lifestyle .

But the truth is that you shouldn’t even see it in a negative way, which usually happens … think rather that every sacrifice has its prem me !

It is therefore necessary to find the formula that provides us with “hours of fun” together with “hours of suffering”, the latter understood as something related to action-reaction: I suffer, because training itself is high suffering. intensity, but then I will have a great reward


Great virtue

I don’t want to bore you with this concept.

The fitness theme is a long distance race, don’t try to speed up any process, as this would go against you. you. The results will come, you just have to pay attention to the 3 most important factors:

Training + Nutrition + Rest

If you follow these “rules”, you are sure you are on the right track. If you are lacking in one … you will have to correct it

With all of the above, I think I have expressed my personal view on what I think you can do best whatever your goal is, so I hope you put it into practice and of course that you see your evolution reflected in the mirror and manage to improve every day.

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